Let’s face it. The majority of people do some touching up before they put their photos online. The amount of touching up varies by their “need” and their skillset, but it’s become such a trend that some states are banning it.
And by it, we mean photo filters that change your appearance too much, like some popular ones on Snapchat, Instagram, and Tiktok.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t touch up your photos elsewhere. Check out these easy photo editing software hacks that anyone can do. No computer programming degree is needed.
To infinity followers and beyond!
Replace Your Background
If you’re looking to spice up your photos without a lot of work, then replacing your background is the way to go.
First, snap or choose a picture that you like. The simpler the background the better for most free online background remover tools.
Then, pick the background you’d like your pic to have instead. Are you looking for a sunset? Something abstract? Tye-dye? Or you could be that girl that faked going to Coachella, with ultra-specific background edits.
You’ll want to put your background in a photo editor like Canva or Adobe. Make sure the post you add your background to is the right size for the platform you’re posting on.
Next, upload your photo to the photo editing tool and click “remove background.” Some tools will auto remove the background perfectly, while others may need your help touching up the details.
Download your background-less photo and upload it onto your canvas with your chosen background. You may want to turn the grain of the photo up to distract from any harsh lines.
Or, better yet, be transparent about your photo editing and leave it as-is. The socials could use a dose of transparency.
Make Your Photo a Gif
If you look up #Instahacks on Tiktok, you can find lots of videos walking you through cool ways to edit photos. The tutorials use assorted apps, but they’re usually free from the app store.
For example, there’s an app that can zoom in on a particular part of your photo and animate it, so it tilts in or zooms in from one side. This gives your photo a unique effect and shows off that you have some serious photo editing skills.
When you find video tutorials you like with the best photo editing tools, make sure to comment and like to thank the creator.
Easy Photo Editing Software Hacks
Between removing your post’s background and all the photo editing tips there are on Tiktok (and every other platform) your followers will never get bored.
If you want, you can practice with a new photo every day, that way you get used to using the easy photo editing software hacks shared in this guide. Who knows? You may find you enjoy one style/edit more than another.
In the end, remember that photo editing is supposed to be fun and that what you see on the internet is rarely real life. Use your new power editing photos for good and check back to this site for more great guides.