“Memory Travel”: How To Explore Your Favorite Places When Travel Isn’t Possible
During this last year, it has been a very trying time for everyone on this globe, for so many reasons. One reason, which is not the least of things, was the inability to travel and explore as we had been free to do before. This limitation on travel was very distressing to explorers, and caused a great deal of sadness at the reality of being homebound and isolated for extended periods of time during the lockdowns.
So, what were our options to keep our wanderlust in spirits from flagging — outside of the Zoom rooms and YouTube videos about how to make bread?
Travel Reimagined
“Memory travel” has long been a technique to alleviate stress and bring harmony back into our psyches. The ability to meditate and recall travels from the past, sights, sounds, scents, and tastes, and recalling the beautiful experiences we lived, and can choose to relive again! This is an excellent technique to reduce stress and bring positivity back to your focus.
Creating a dedicated space for meditation and memory travel is a good habit — a place where you can relax and not be disturbed, and a space that you can utilize as a caring environment. This space should be made to feel comfortable and restful, and you can include mementos from your travel, as well as decor that enhances your wellbeing and positive mindset.
Romantic Art and Landscapes
Romantic art and beautiful landscape art (www.hilaryjengland.com) of your favorite travel destinations is a great way to enhance the decor of your meditation space – the reminder and connection between the artwork and your spirit are very conducive to meditation and “mental traveling”. Art has long been proven a strong facilitator of fostering positive mental health and well-being through connections to past experiences, and connecting to your positive past experiences during your travels is a great serotonin boost!
Beautiful landscape art of places we have traveled to, or even hope to travel to – can inspire and invigorate us to put our focus forward — planning new trips, new explorations and new adventures and forward thinking is extremely important in times of stress and uncertainty.
All in all
So, go forward into 2021 with high hopes and optimism — claim your space, reclaim your positivity, and plan New adventures (www.hje-artist.com) from the strength of your memory travels!
Create your own “memory travel” space to meditate new plans, pull strength from past travels, and improve your overall mental and spiritual well-being during stressful times where your usual travel and experiences may not be possible.