Novel Coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 has become a prevailing threat from the entire world and this has been almost half of 2020 that people all around the globe are continuously getting affected by this highly contagious virus. There is a constant surge in the new positive cases of COVID-19 and more than one seventy-seven countries are under the deadly shadow of this virus. Infact, numerous countries have regulated the energy protocol of national lockdown to arrest the rapid spreading of this novel virus. Although some of the countries like New Zealand have succeeded to win over the virus, there are certain countries, however, failed terribly to win the battle even after enacting the emergency protocol. In certain countries, the COVID-19 scenario got worse after the lockdown. On the contrary, many countries have gone to the verge of economic crisis due to lockdown as most of the commercial sectors stopped operating. To revive the economic condition, many countries have withdrawn the lockdown emergency and further increases the higher chance of getting infected with this virus.
When the countries were shut down to limit the virus spread, the number of COVID-19 cases were minimum, but now when everything is reopening, there is huge certainty of easy contamination through public interactions as the number of the diseases is now uncountable. People will start gathering like normal days, but one thing to remember the virus is not gone yet. But since there is no other choice left and the vaccine of the virus is still in the making process, people have to be self-sufficient and self-dependent to protect themselves from the virus by taking effective precautionary measures and adopting a healthy and safe lifestyle.
How Does The COVID-19 Spread?
The name of the virus that causes COVID-19 is SARS-CoV-2 and it is generally termed as a novel coronavirus. This eccentric virus is very contagious and it can spread very easily through respiratory droplets. If a person is affected with COVID-19, he/she can sense the after-effects of symptoms after 6-7days after the infection. In the silent duration of the infection, the person hardly recognizes that he has caught the virus. He/she unknowingly keeps touching things, interacts with people and moves here and there while spreading the virus to other persons as well. In certain cases, it is also reported that the affected person faces zero symptoms of the virus for having a strong immunity resistance stamina in their body. But it doesn’t make the person less dangerous to other people. The person he might contaminate may don’t have the same immunity stamina as the affected person has. This is the reason, people around the world are highly afraid of this novel virus as they don’t know whether their immune system will survive the virus or not. Going near an affected person, touching him/her, sharing food in one plate, drinking from the same bottle, close intimacy etc. are the ultimate factors of the virus spreading. In Fact the virus can even survive on the solid surface for up to 48 hours and such a fact makes the virus more deadly. The friends, the family members, partners, colleagues and in fact doctors who treat the affected person, are also at great risk of exposure to this virus.
How Can The Infection be Prevented from Catching?
No vaccine has been developed till now to treat the COVID-19 disease. People only have to rely on their immune system and to take optimum preventive measures to stay protected from the Coronavirus contamination. If are not affected with the virus you must follow these measures to stay protected from catching the novel coronavirus-
Maintain Personal Hygiene:
Maintaining hygiene is a key preventive measure against the novel coronavirus. Keep your hands frequently cleaned by washing with strong hand-washer. You should also sanitize your hands more often, especially when you touch something that recently came from outside. Make sure your hand sanitizer contains 70-90% alcohol bases for ultimate protection. Whenever you come home from outside, make sure you wash your hands by rubbing them well for at least 30 seconds. Not only hands but when you are outside for a long period of time, prefer taking a hot water bath and sending your clothes for regular cleaning and washing.
Keep Your Surroundings Clean:
Not only personal hygiene but keeping your surroundings including your entire household is also very important to stay protected. You can’t stop the sudden arrival of guests, but it is possible to keep your house clean once they leave. Change the couch covers and bed sheets frequently. Keep the curtains cleaned and washed. Do the cleaning and mopping of the house surfaces daily if possible. Keep your shoes properly organized and clean in a cabinet. Wash your daily clothes and use spray sanitizers to sanitize your essential equipment like mobiles phones, wallets, money, cards, car keys etc.
Use Mask and Gloves
Since the lockdown has been withdrawn, the danger of contamination is very high. In this situation, always make sure to wear your mask before you go outside. Always wear a high-quality face mask in public to stay protected from the respiratory droplets emitted from the other people around you. For better protection, you can also wear gloves as it also offers further security against contamination. But wearing a mask is imperative to stay protected from the Coronavirus.
Maintain The Distance and Avoid Touching Things and People Frequently
It is very important to try to maintain a minimum distance of feet from the people to avoid virus contamination. Although it is not possible all the time, especially during a transport journey, it is suggested to avoid the crowd and congested areas as much as you can. It is also important to keep avoiding touching things outside frequently until it is that important. As already told, the virus can survive on the surface for more than 48hours. May the object you are touching outside be already touched by an infected person a while ago. So be cautious.
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Things to Do To Stop the Virus Spreading
This is a very noble concern to consider by those people who have been affected by the virus. If you think you may be affected by the virus, you must consider the following things-
Quarantine Yourself:
If you have recently visited a foreign place or have been outside of your hometown, you must quarantine yourself at home for at least for 2weeks. As the symptoms of the disease take time to occur and in a silent period, there is a huge chance of contamination from you. To ensure safety for others and spread the virus unknowingly, you must quarantine yourself at home.
Consult a Doctor:
If you are feeling any symptoms like cough, cold, headache, difficulty in breathing, and drowsiness, immediately rush to the doctor to ascertain whether you have caught the virus or not. Instead of believing in hot gossip regarding the virus, it’s better to take expert consultation and get yourself hospitalised if required. Abide by all rules and follow the doctors’ treatment programs to get cured quickly and effectively. This is how you can ensure wellness for yourself as well for others. Stay safe!