Dizziness or giddiness is the most common condition that is experienced by a large percentage of the population at least once in a lifetime. It is not an ailment rather a symptom of various underlying causes. From simple dehydration to more severe neurological causes are responsible for making a person lose balance and feel dizzy all of a sudden. If the condition is not severe, it resolves itself with time.
A sensation of feeling off-balance or lightheaded is known as dizziness. The world seems to be upside down and a person may experience a blurry vision while getting sudden bouts of dizzy spells. A person with dizziness may experience social morbidity. Dizziness can affect eyes and ears and may sometimes result in fainting as well.

You must be thinking about the difference between giddiness and dizziness? It is almost the same thing where a person feels a loss of balance. A person experiencing giddiness may experience whether the surroundings are spinning or moving. It can be an indication of vertigo. Nausea and vomiting are often accompanied by giddiness. It is not itself a medical condition but a symptom of some underlying conditions. It can be a simple condition like overexertion, dehydration, or a more severe condition like a stroke or neurological disorder that results in causing giddiness.
Living with such a condition is not an easy task for individuals as it causes hindrance in day to day life. To the outer world, one looks completely fine whereas simple activities such as walking, jogging, seem to be a tiring task.
Vertigo is a common symptom of neurological disorders that results in making a person feel dizzy along with spinning sensations. It is advised to seek medical help and consult an expert neurologist if you are experiencing repeated episodes of vertigo dizziness bouts as it may indicate a serious medical condition. An expert neurologist will diagnose the underlying dizziness causes by seeking complete medical history and carrying certain tests. He would suggest the best dizziness treatment as per the underlying cause to alleviate dizziness symptoms completely. To understand dizziness in detail, let’s have a closer look at dizziness signs and symptoms and causes.
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What are dizziness signs and symptoms?
Apart from nausea and vomiting, there are various dizziness signs and symptoms that last for a few seconds to minutes. Dizziness symptoms come and go subsequently and do not stay persistent. Here is a list of some dizziness symptoms:
- Lightheadedness
- Fainting
- Severe Headaches at regular intervals
- Spinning sensations (vertigo)
- Loss of equilibrium or balance
- Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) or loss of hearing ability
- An infection or injury in the ear
- Head injury
- Sweating
What are the most common dizziness causes?
We have listed some of the most common causes of dizziness ranging from simple to more complex medical conditions. Let’s have a look at some:
1. Dehydration
Dehydration is one of the most common and mild causes of dizziness. A human body constitutes 78% of water. Lack of sufficient amount of water in the body results in making a person feel dizzy all of a sudden. Medicals generally recommend drinking a minimum of 8 to 12 ounces of water every day to keep the body hydrated and prevent dizziness or giddiness. Make it a point to drink extra glasses of water after a heavy work out sessions as excretion of sweat results in reducing the amount of fluid in the body.
2. Hypotension
In medical terms, low blood pressure is referred to as hypotension. Some people experience changes in blood pressure throughout the day within a normal range. Sudden dips in blood pressure can result in causing dizziness and may sometimes trigger the intensity of dizzy spells.
3. Hypoglycemia
A low blood sugar level is known as hypoglycemia. It is one of the common dizziness causes. A person suffering from diabetes is at a higher risk of developing such a condition. It is advised not to neglect such a medical condition and seek help from the doctor immediately. If you are experiencing sudden bouts of dizziness due to hypoglycemia, grab a bar of chocolate for instant relief.
4. Side-effect of medications
It has been observed in many cases, that certain medications have side effects that make a person feel dizzy and lose balance. It is advised to seek medical help and get those antibiotics replaced by your doctor.
5. Lifestyle habits
Certain lifestyle habits result in making a person feel dizzy. Drinking excessive alcohol dehydrates the body to a greater extent resulting in making a person feel dizzy. It is advised to alter certain lifestyle habits to prevent dizziness.
6. Overexertion
Having a routine of exercise keeps one fit and healthy. But overdoing it leads to many other issues. Taking overexertion or doing excessive exercise results in causing frequent episodes of giddiness.
7. BPPV Vertigo
A problem, infection, or disorder in the inner ear is one of the possible severe causes of dizziness. BPPV Vertigo is one of the most common causes of vertigo dizziness. BPPV is caused due to deposition of calcium crystals in the inner ear that blocks the vestibular nerve responsible for sending signals from the inner ear to the brain that regulates the balance of the body. The blockage in the signals results in making a person feel dizzy. The symptoms of BPPV get triggered due to the slightest movement in the position of the head or body. Practicing certain repositioning maneuvers helps in easing the condition.
8. Meniere’s disease
Meniere’s disease is another such cause that results in causing repeated episodes of vertigo dizziness in patients. Excessive fluid build-up in the inner ear is known as Meniere’s disease. A person suffering from such vestibular disorder experiences ringing in the inner ear. If the case becomes severe, it can even lead to loss of hearing ability in a person. It is advised to go on a low salt diet to alleviate the symptoms. Consult an expert neurologist as soon as you start observing any symptoms to prevent the condition from getting complex.
9. Inner ear problems
An infection, inflammation, or disorder in the inner ear results in making a person feels dizzy. Disruption in sending signals to the brain results in causing vertigo dizziness. It is advised to consult a doctor for vertigo dizziness treatment.
Experiencing repeated episodes of dizziness? Do not take it lightly. Book an appointment today and seek expert guidance. Get yourself diagnosed and get the best dizziness treatment to alleviate the symptoms completely.